SolanaFM Tagged Token List

This end point returns you a paginated list of tokens available from our data store. You can paginate through the response body to index all available tokens


This endpoint only returns you a paginated list of tokens identified by the SolanaFM team (Not tokens indexed on-chain)


Valid Response

[<object>]- a list of JSON objects each containing the following fields:

  • tokenHash:<String>, the token hash
  • data:<object>, the token data object containing the following fields:
"data": {
          "mint": "12f7GQoFVaBZzkKLjPTPukmMCjzK7czYN9vsAp8VQoZg",
          "tokenName": "Token 12f7",
          "symbol": "12f7G",
          "decimals": 6,
          "description": "",
          "logo": "",
          "tags": [],
          "verified": "false",
          "network": [
          "metadataToken": ""
  • pagination:<object>, the pagination cursor object:
    • next:<String>, the next cursor pointer to traverse the record to the next page
    • previous:<String>, the previous cursor pointer to traverse the record to the previous page

Invalid Response

<object> - a JSON object containing the following fields if the requested account doesn't exist

  • code:<integer>, The error code
  • message:<String>, An error message to indicate which part of the query went wrong
  • status:<String>, The response status following the error code
    • 400 = Bad Request (client side)
    • 500 = Internal Server Error (server side)
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!