Get User's Favourite Domains

This endpoint returns you a list of domains that are set as favourite by the account hash provided


  • hash- The wallet hash to query for


Valid Response

[<object>]- a list of JSON objects containing the following fields each:

  • name:<String>, name of the favourite domain
  • nameServiceAccount<String>, the service account hash for the domain
  • owner<String>, the owner of the domain
  • favourite<boolean>, indicates if the domain is set as favourite

Example of a valid response:

  "status": "Success",
  "message": "Retrieved account's favourite domains",
  "result": {
    "domains": [
        "name": "ki-v3",
        "nameServiceAccount": "27iFoLqcBUjKSMtydrQESqY2HNaVW2xqMsb95KwkUsUm",
        "owner": "AK2VbkdYLHSiJKS6AGUfNZYNaejABkV6VYDX1Vrgxfo",
        "favourite": true

Invalid Response

<object> - a JSON object containing the following fields if the requested account doesn't exist

  • code:<integer>, The error code
  • message:<String>, An error message to indicate which part of the query went wrong
  • status:<String>, The response status following the error code
    • 400 = Bad Request (client side)
    • 500 = Internal Server Error (server side)
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!