Mint Token Accounts

This endpoint returns you a paginated list of token accounts owned by the provided token mint


This endpoint is still in the Beta stage.


  • page- An optional page number
  • pageSize- The number of items to be returned in a single response (defaults 100)


Valid Response

<object> - A JSON object containing the following fields:

  • tokenAccounts: [\<object>], an array of token account JSON objects owned by the user that contains the following fields:
  • totalItemCount:<integer>, a number indicating the total amount of token accounts for this particular token hash

Example of a valid response:

    "tokenAccounts": [
            "_id": "2oPNhPnikcFAStttVLG5a7jEz9J3Acq2xKM9eY6kqfhh",
            "info": {
                "extensions": [
                        "extension": "immutableOwner"
                        "extension": "transferFeeAmount",
                        "state": {
                            "withheldAmount": 9326807509781
                "isNative": false,
                "mint": "7atgF8KQo4wJrD5ATGX7t1V2zVvykPJbFfNeVf1icFv1",
                "owner": "8jmqrZqEZroYy5xagbYV7V2FZzxE8tb2Qp9vw9VP9J12",
                "state": "initialized",
                "tokenAmount": {
                    "amount": "213014511447554",
                    "decimals": 2,
                    "uiAmount": 2130145114475.54,
                    "uiAmountString": "2130145114475.54"
            "slot": 260973125
            "_id": "DNyd87a6uL61EpTXNS1zKwmZXxpvRvP6oYfBEaiQk3oc",
            "info": {
                "extensions": [
                        "extension": "immutableOwner"
                        "extension": "transferFeeAmount",
                        "state": {
                            "withheldAmount": 31147471016
                "isNative": false,
                "mint": "7atgF8KQo4wJrD5ATGX7t1V2zVvykPJbFfNeVf1icFv1",
                "owner": "FbcYcJVccCdNzq5CdMrWzUfSJD3duf4yitRcJAubQgvz",
                "state": "initialized",
                "tokenAmount": {
                    "amount": "200819172432459",
                    "decimals": 2,
                    "uiAmount": 2008191724324.59,
                    "uiAmountString": "2008191724324.59"
            "slot": 261023281
    "totalItemCount": 1372672

Invalid Response

<object> - a JSON object containing the following fields if the requested account doesn't exist

  • code:<integer>, The error code
  • message:<String>, An error message to indicate which part of the query went wrong
  • status:<String>, The response status following the error code
    • 400 = Bad Request (client side)
    • 500 = Internal Server Error (server side)
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!