Plan | Price (USD) | Rate Limit (RPS) | Data Access | Bandwidth (GB) | Cost per additional GB of bandwidth (USD) |
Free | 0 | 10 | APIs | 1 | 0 |
Developer | 79 | 200 | APIs | 50 | 1.00 |
Startup | 199 | 500 | APIs | 250 | 0.50 |
Business | 499 | 1000 | APIs | 700 | 0.39 |
*RPS = requests per second
These plans can be subscribed to on the Developer Portal.
Total cost per month should be calculated like this:
If Total Bandwidth Usage > Base Available Bandwidth:
Base Price + (Total Bandwidth Usage - Base Available Bandwidth) * Overage CostElse:
Base Price
Bandwidth Usage Calculation
There are multipliers applied to the bandwidth depending on the endpoint called.
API Name | Endpoint | Bandwidth Multiplier |
Developer Portal Webhooks | - | x2 |
These multipliers do not stack and the higher multiplier would take precedence.
How this is calculated:
Payload Size * Bandwidth Multiplier
The other APIs outside of the list above do not have multipliers applied on the bandwidth.
For more inquiries please reach us via our Discord channel